Yoga Flow part 1 -Deep Dive and detailed explanation
This is the Deep Dive version of my flow part #1 where I talk in detail about the yoga poses, and things that you should be aware of and pay attention to.
In my yoga classes, I am all about :
Lines and energy. Where there are lines, energy goes there. So energy can be in many directions. Up, down, forward and backward. By focusing on your alignment, you project your energy to where you want it.
In your lunges (pose) and warrior poses, align your front knees with your big toes and 2nd toes, so your knees are supported and protected.The spine.
To me, yoga is all about the spine; lengthening and strengthening the spine. Spine includes neck and lumbar and coccyx. So be aware and avoid looking up too much in your upward facing dog or looking down too much in any of the forward bend poses. Also, try to avoid overextending or sticking out your rib cage too much.
In downward dog, it is okay if your heels don’t touch the floor, so you bend the knees. Push the floor away and extend energy downward through your hands so you receive some energy back up.Breath
My yoga classes are quite flowy and use breath. Ensure you breath out, so you can breath in and vice versa. By breathing in, you take in good nutrients and oxygen and therefore you can breath out unwanted and negative stuff. By breathing in (especially taking a big breath), you exercise breath control and you control your breath. Since breath and energy are closely associated, by taking deep breath, you are controlling or attempting to control your breath, and this leads to controlled energy. By having controlled energy, you are likely to have a controlled mind and therefore you can deal with any stressful situations that are presented to you.
Okay, that’s enough for this blog.
I hope you enjoy the flow part 1 and please do try it and let me know!
Coming up is flow part 2! I will also include the Deep Dive version for part 2.